APPSC ON TIME REGISTRATION:The A.P. Public Service Commission came in to existence on 1st November, 1956 with the formation of the State of Andhra Pradesh. Before this, there was Andhra Public Service Commission in the Andhra State and Hyderabad Public Service Commission in the Hyderabad State. Andhra Service Commission came in to existence only in 1953 after the bifurcation of composite Madras State into Andhra and Madras States.Andhra Public Service Commission was functioning with a Chairman and two Members and Hyderabad Public Service Commission was functioning with one Member. Hence, A.P. Public Service Commission was constituted with a Chairman and 3 Members. With increasing work load, Government enhanced the Members as five in the year 1981 and later to Chairman and 7 Members in the year 1983. Government again reviewed the strength in 1994 and enhanced it to Chairman and 9 Members. This is the present strength.

Under the A.P. re-organisation Act 2014, the Telangana State came into existence with effect from the appointed day i.e., 02.06.2014.
Constitution of Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC)
Section 83(2) of the Andhra Pradesh Re-Organisation Act, 2014 (Central Act.6/2014) provides for constitution of a Public Service Commission in the Successor State of Telangana read as follows.
“83(2) There shall be constituted a Public Service Commission in accordance with article 315 of Constitution by the successor State of Telangana, and until such Commission is constituted, the Union Public Service Commission may, with the approval of the President, agree to serve the needs of the State of Telangana in terms of clause(4) of that article”.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 315(1) of Constitution of India, His Excellency the Governor of Telangana constituted the Public Service Commission for the State of Telangana with immediate effect for making selections to the posts under various categories meant for direct recruitment under its purview in the State of Telangana and for carrying out functions under article 320 of Constitution of India orders issues vide GO Ms No.43, GA(Ser.A) Department, dt. 8.8.2014. Accordingly the Government of Telangana has formulated and issued Telangana State Public Service Commission Regulations 2014 vide GO Ms.No.44, Genl. Admn. (Ser.A) Dept., dated 08/08/2014.
In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 316(1) & (2) of the Constitution of India, His Excellence Governor of Telangana is pleased to appoint Prof. Ghanta Chakrapani, a well known academician, journalist and a popular political analyst in telugu media, as the First Chairman of the newly constituted Telangana State Public Service Commission orders issued vide GO Ms No.169 GA (Ser.A) Department, Dt.17.12.2014.